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Immediate Functioning
Dental Implant

The best permanent solution available for a missing or severely damaged tooth is a dental implant with an implant supported crown. This option provides both the look and function of a natural tooth.

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Installing the new tooth

This procedure normally includes 2~3 visits to the office. You can expect to be able to work the day after having the implant installed.

The course of treatment described below is one of several options available. Book a consultation to find out the best solution for your specific circumstances.

  1. Before the procedure

We start with a consultation and then gather information for your implant record: a CT scan, impressions, etc. We go over the results in detail during the next appointment with the dentist.

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2. Installing the implant

We install the implant during a 1-2 hour surgery. You may be provided with a temporary tooth to be able to eat while your implant integrates with the jawbone.


3. Attaching the new crown

After a few months the implant integrates with the jawbone, and we place the permanent ceramic tooth onto the implant.

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4. The end result

You should expect the new tooth to fit and function just like a natural tooth. Do your usual dental hygiene to keep the tooth and gum around it clean.


Benefits of Immediate Function Implant

  • Shortened Treatment time, possibly in one treatment session

  • Long-term, stable solution

  • Greater patient comfort

  • Bone integrity is preserved for long-lasting aesthetics